Who Are These People?
Links to information about the various fandoms written about on Witnesslist
Babylon 5 -- No longer in production; in syndication on TNT 8am
(eastern) Saturdays
The Lurker's Guide
Due South -- No longer in production; in syndication on TNT 6pm
(easter) weekdays
William and Elyse's Due South Page
dueSouth Writer's Resources
Homicide: LoTS -- No longer in production; in syndication on Court TV 3am, 9pm, 12am (easter) weekdays
Law & Order -- New episodes on NBC 10pm (eastern) Wednesdays; in
syndication on A&E 1pm, 7pm,
12am, 3am (eastern) weekdays
LO Mailing List Home Page
Law & Order
The Practice -- New episodes on ABC 10pm (eastern) Sundays\
The Sentinel
Nightowl's Nest
Star Wars, TPM
SWAT Kats -- Cartoon Network 2:30pm (eastern) Sundays
Twin Peaks
X-Files -- New episodes on Fox 9pm (eastern) Sundays; in syndication on FX 9pm, 12am (eastern) weekdays